In the period from 31.10.2022 to 13.12.2022, the Department of Financial Technologies and Entrepreneurship together with the University of Latvia (Latvia), Vilnius University (Lithuania) and the Lebanese International University (Lebanon) implemented programs for students and PhD students of the Educational and Research Institute of Business, Economics and Management, as well as representatives of partner universities. 128 students of higher education participated in the program “Challenges and Opportunities of Economic Development in the Digital Era” (68 majors 072 “Finance, banking and insurance”, 6 majors “Entrepreneurship, trade and stock market activity”, 21 majors 073 “Management” , 1 specialty 292 “International Economic Relations”, 21 foreign students from Vilnius University and the Lebanese International University, as well as from University of Foggia, 3 students from other Ukrainian higher education institutions). The program “Scientific Research Methods on the Transformation of the Financial System in the Conditions of Digitalization” was attended by 41 students of higher education (12 majors 072 “Finance, banking and insurance”, 11 majors 076 “Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity”, 16 “Economics” majors, 2 foreign applicants). Lectures were held by experienced lecturers: Doc., Assoc.Prof. Maryna Kudinska (University of Latvia), Doc. Rasa Subachiene (Vilnius University), Assoc. Prof. Olena Pakhnenko (Sumy State University), Assoc. Prof. Andrii Semenog (Sumy State University), Assoc. Prof. Maryna Brychko (Blekinge Institute of Technology), Assoc. Prof. Kateryna Daher (Lebanese International University). For three weeks, the awardees worked on the following thematic areas: European Banking Union: structure and foundations, Digital economy and current digital trends, Fintech: definition, classification and evaluation, Financial accounting, Game theory: inside oligopoly, Principles of Islamic finance, Scientific studies of the digital economy : empirical data and dominant trends, Challenges and achievements of Fintech: analysis and assessment, Basics of game theory: economic and mathematical modeling, strategies and decision-making, Trend analysis of the development of the digital economy and forecasting indicators in scientific research, Functional and stochastic dependencies between individual development phenomena digital economy taking into account the principles of Islamic finance.
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