On May 22, 2023, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Entrepreneurship Pokhylko S.V. held an online class on the discipline “E-commerce” on the topic “Business models and concepts of e-commerce. Explanation of the business models of affiliate marketing and subscription” for students of groups PTL.m-21, EN-02/2f, EN-02/4f-1, PTB-11/1pe, PTB-11/1pe-2, PTB-11/2bfk, PTB-11/2bfk-2, EN-02/1e.
Practitioner V. Denysova, Technical Support Engineer at Onfleet and owner of an online store, joined the online class. Onfleet is a reliable last-mile delivery solution for thousands of companies in dozens of industries, including food, retail, e-commerce, furniture, pharmaceuticals, and more. A former graduate of The Management Institute of Canada (MIC) MBA Management, the speaker focused first on the current content management systems (CMS) and marketplaces for building a website WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Rozetka, OLX, Prom and emphasized the important components of e-commerce, such as promotion using search engine optimization SEO, advertising and analytics Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Facebook, Instagram. The students had the opportunity to review all the stages of building an e-commerce website step by step. Then Ms. Viktoriia moved on to the topic of Business Models and the concept of e-commerce. She explained the affiliate marketing business model and subscription model, analyzing the Onfleet case study and comparing the business model of this company with other existing models.
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