As part of the work of the scientific group “Financial Analyst”, students of the 1st year of the educational program “Finance”, Liudmyla SOKOL and Alina GOLYK, participated in the implementation of the NDR ” Digitalization and transparency of public, corporate and personal finance: the impact on innovation development and national security”, head Liudmyla ZAKHARKINA.
The students began to research aspects of the transparency of public and corporate finances and completely completed the training course “Anti-corruption policy of the EU: key elements, orientation towards sustainable development, lessons for Ukraine” (April 17 – April 24, 2023) with a volume of 40 hours, conducted as part of the project in the direction Jean Monnet of the EU Erasmus program + 101047968 — EU AntiCor (ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH)
Congratulations to the students with the acquired knowledge and experience. We wish you good ideas for conducting your own research in the direction of building the institute of financial transparency as a means of preventing security threats to the state.
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