Third-year bachelor’s student of the “Finance” program, Alina Holyk, successfully completed a series of webinars as part of Economist Career Way, which took place from October 7 to 16, 2024. Alina attended all the events and received a participant certificate.
Throughout the event, students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the most relevant topics in financial analysis, risk management, investor relations, and other subjects important for a future career in the financial sector.
Speakers included representatives from leading international and Ukrainian companies such as ProCredit Bank, Deloitte, EY, Credit Agricole, KPMG, BAT Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, Laba Group, Forvis Mazars, PwC, and others. They shared their practical experience, discussed pressing issues in financial risk management, corporate environmental and social responsibility, the use of artificial intelligence in international practice, and financial analysis. Additionally, they provided valuable advice on building a successful career in the financial industry.
We are proud of Alina’s achievements and wish her continued success in her studies and professional development!
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